Monday, March 8, 2010

Chat Roulette

Chat roulette is one of the most frightening things I've ever experienced. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm totally down for being sexually assaulted about 15 times in 20 minutes.... except... no...

The internet is scary. Really really scary. My brother referred to it last week as "the modern wild west". I mean, if you think about it, it really is. It's amazing that in this day in age, the government can't control it. You can go on there and see the most graphic and disturbing things, and there is really nothing stopping you from going to any where on the web, and even scarier, nothing stopping anyone from putting those things on there. Really, the only repercussions we ever see in the media to internet is child porn and bullying between middle school girls, THATS IT. It's free game out there. It really is the Wild West re-incarnated. No rules, just your own common sense.


  1. yea that is really true, I pretty much grew up online because I didn't have any real friends in middle school and early highschool.

    I could tell some stories.

  2. We just launched a totally random video chat in English with better design and more features:, we are currently in beta, is already in English and Spanish version with a greater number of features such as Search by gender (male, female or all) and a channel HOT +18.

