Monday, February 22, 2010

Change For A New 365

Something I've been debating lately is to do or not to do a 365 project. I'm not entirely too sure how I feel about this, because I never have been quite the fan of them, perhaps due to misunderstanding of the artist's purpose, perhaps because the images are not good. But I feel as though maybe a 365 may be good for me...

The inspiration and motivation behind this is a personal climatic change in myself. I have finally overcome a huge event in my life, and have accepted it as the past, and I feel as though it is time to experience and see the world through a fresh set of eyes. I have torn my room apart at home to embrace this change. I don't want to forget it, no. I want to learn from my past experiences and mistakes. But I feel as though I need to re invent myself and my mindset, and thus a 365.
It is fair to say I have been a cynic for most of my life, and I want to become something else. For once I am truly searching to be happy. And to become happy not through lowering my standards and expecting the least out of people, but to see the beauty of the world. I want to accept myself and humanity for what they are. I want to practice what I preach. I want to see the world and people in a positive light, and accept people as who they are. I want to finally become who I am truly supposed to be. I have seen beautiful images, and I now want to be the creator of those images.

So my dilemma in this project is well... what should I shoot? I often see 365 projects of solely self portraits, and uninteresting subjects, and I don't really understand the point of the projects after their completion. To me, I believe that, yes, a 365 is an exploration of self. It should result in change and growth as a person and an artist. While I understand self portraits as a 365, I do not believe that I could change myself and my attitude of the world solely through images of myself. I feel as though if I want to grow, I need to grow through the world, and depict the world as I see it. I need to push myself through my camera, and have every picture become a self portrait, whether I am the physical subject or not.

It is something I still need to think about, and something I'm still rather hesitant about. Whether it should be film or digital. Whether it should be self portraits or not. Whether this or whether that. But it may be perhaps exactly what I need and will give me a chance to work on concepts that have been building in my brain....

I can't have a post without a picture, so here's something I found the other day that I rather adore:

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